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Radiator Finning Hangng Loose

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Hot driving yesterday (ironically driving to Peugeot main dealer in Poitiers) and of course, just when you want the cooling fan to come on....nothing. Anyway, I can fix that....but....


while I was looking around the radiator, I noticed some of the finning at the top hanging out at the back in 3 different areas, as if some git has poked a stick through the grille. Possibly this has been caused by rubbish thrown up as I've been driving, or does it tend to detach with age? Result is you can see right through the radiator.


It's not the original radiator, but it's probably been on the car at least 10 years (not an aluminium one incidentally). When I rebuilt the engine I hosed the radiator to clear all the muck & dead flies out of the matrix, but that didn't dislodge any of the finning.


Actually looking at the matrix, it is pretty clogged with dead flies etc, so much so I'm surprised it hasn't overheated more.

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Henry Yorke

The webbing can corrode over time and all it will take is one stone and it will go through. I would be surprised if someone had decided to poke your rad with a stick!

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Tom Fenton

Sounds like pure old age to me. As you say the fins not being attached will not help with heat dissipation.


I would get yourself a new rad, in the UK they are pretty cheap, reasonable quality ebay for £45 delivered.

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After finding some git had stolen all the plastic trim & rear valance, I get suspicious of anything untoward happening to the car.


Anyway, sounds like it's just old age, & a new radiator would doubtless be a bonus. Looking at the amount of clag blocking the fins, it surprises me the car has been running as cool as it has...but it wasn't keen on cooling down the other day. Planning on returning to UK for a short while soon so another thing to add to the list of buys.

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