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Popped Cv Joint = New Shaft

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Just took the car for a spin after an attempt at solving the boost problem, turns out the possible 309/205 wish bones are def 309 ones, as I went to turn a corner, at very low speed and the inner cv want bang. I assume it's the 309 wish bones that's caused it as there shaft wasn't long enough, any one agree this would cause it, it's running a 205 1.6gti box and shafts, 1.4 hubs due to gti6 calipers

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Yeah, it is quite poosivble & not unknown to happen when running 3090wishbones but using 205 shafts.


TBH I didn't think the 1.4 hubs had the same size driveflange as the 309 GTI so the driveshafts wouldn't fit the hubs. :unsure:



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It's only got 309 wish bones as there's a bit of a problem with my 205 ones, asked someone to Press the bushes out, after a month worth of excuses he is replacing them, And Floodys was kind enough to lend me some, he couldnt be sure If they were 205 or 309 ones, looks like there 309 now tho...

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The meaurements of the 309 wishbone compared to the 205 one is on here somewhere so a search & two minutes with a tape measure should've shown what wishbones they were to save ruinng a driveshaft.



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Its a pain, but hey, one of them things new or shaft through work is only 30+ vat so not the. End of the world

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From what I can find theres 12mm difference in the wish bones,

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