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Central Locking Intermittently Not Locking

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Hi all,

i have searched for a topic on this subject but i cant seem to find my problem!


I have a 205 GTI 1.6 J Reg.


Sometimes when i uplock the car from the driver side the passenger door unlocks sometimes it doesnt. Its the same with locking, sometimes it does , sometimes it doesnt! I also believe that the car wont lock/unlock from the passenger side but does accept the key!


Would it just be the lock system need replacing or something more/less?


Thanks in advance!


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Does the boot reliably lock/unlock?


If it does, it's probably the locking solenoid or wiring on the passenger side.


If it doesn't, it's probably the locking solenoid or wiring on the drivers side

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the boot unlocks/locks fine.


So quite possibly could be the passenger side lock system then? They relatively cheap?



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Mine's the same.


My passenger side barrel doesn't work, so I can only lock and unlock that door from inside. That's likely to be simple case of something being disconnected at the barrel mechanism. It's just never bothered me enough over the years to take the door card off to investigate. And my CL motor is extremely worn so most of the time it won't lock/unlock on the passenger side, and sometimes the motor will operate really weakly so you'll see the door-pull go up/down really slowly, or only half way.


First problem is likely to be an easy/free fix. 2nd problem, if it's a worn motor, will be an easy and cheap fix. Dunno what eBay rip off merchants charge these days but years ago you could find 2nd hand motors for pocket change, but you run the risk of picking up another worn motor. Some people have used better motors from newer cars (Vauxhall Astra springs to mind) but that's likely to need some modifications to the mountings and the wiring plug.

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Dodgy connection or nipped wires in the door loom is a possibility. Sometimes means tracing the wires back out through the door shut.

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J reg car = Phase 2


It will have the big block connector for the loom inside the door jamb that twists to connect the whole loom.


You will probably find that if you take these off, the copper connections are crappy and green. Spray with brake cleaner, reconnect, dissconnect etc and then hit it with WD40 and put it back together.


I had this issue with my door speakers a year or so ago.

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