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Rev Counter Problems

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I no this topic has been covered but I can't find the answer I need, so here goes

I have a 91 1.6 gti with a 406 2.0 8v loom.

I bought the loom about 18 months ago off someone on the forum. But can't remember who, so can't ask him :{ where the loom plugs in to the 205 the 2 brown plugs. There is a black box about the size of a fag box with 3 or 4 wires on it they splice in to the grey wire on the loom and and an earth, I think there is another wire but can't remember exactly what from memory. Is or could this be the part for the rev counter? As I have had to cut it off to feed cables and can't remember which way round the one that goes between the 2 greys is meant to go. Could this be it, and I've just wired it up wrong or is there another way I can get the speedo to work? Cheers stu

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AFAIK the 406 rev counter signal wil come directly from the ecu so the standard 205 rev counter won't work on it.


Exactly what ecu is it your trying to fit?


I think the black fag packet sized box you mention will be the shunt box on the 205 slam panel which is the main battery distribution point, the ecu loom will possibly plug in here or they can also be fed from the alternator battery connection, they are on the GTI-6 iirc.



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Or the black box could be a tacho converter, which would make sense if (assuming I've understood the OP correctly) it's spliced into the grey wire on the underdash multiplugs, which is usually #112 for the rev counter

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the black box is under the dash, i'm wondering if i have connected the grey wires up the wrong way round, if this makes a difference, i'm not to sure whats in the box and with my basics of electronics i no that if there is a resistor in there, that does make a difference, had to cut the unit off when i ran the cables in to the car as they wouldnt fit through the bulk head, when i get a chance to have a look i will try the wires the other way round

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the ECU is the standard 406 unlocked one

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