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Annoying Problem With My 205(Heat)

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ive ran the pug now for a couple of days and covered about 165 miles so far, its been a total joy. but ive came across a problem which i had with my old engine.......the 306 s16 2ltr 16v.


ENGINE TEMPERATURE. im running the 406 2.0 litre 16v engine.


It doesnt boil over or anything ....... but when im in general road driving use the temp sits just on or before the 4th mark on the temp gauge...... when it sits the fan will come on usually between marks 4-5 the when the needle is almost verticle or just before.


ive left it sitting for a bit to see if the needle climbs higher towards the red when the fans are on/off but it doesnt. the twin fans come on and cool it down pretty well few minutes later and their back on again. then off etc.............But my main issue is it doesnt seem to be to long when im road driving then stop at a set of lights for a minute then fans come on again.?


do these engines tend to run hot?..is this normal for a pug, i thought i had cured this problem when i got this 406 lump in it to the 306 16v.

is there anything i can do to try and stop this.


i run 50/50 antifreeze,there is no air in the system to my knowlege, the heater works on cold temp and hot temps etc. what i do notice is my rad is quite light and new looking but im sure most 205 rads are. are all 205 rads standard.

if i cant solve the problem is it ok for it to run like this as long as its cool on driving conditions.


thanks martin

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sounds perfectly normal

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sounds perfectly normal




they tend to run hottish and heat up quickly then?

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thats not hot really, the 4th bar is a bout 90 degrees or so.

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