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Does This Mean My Throttle Body Is Funked?

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Took the throttle body off today with me m8 to set it up and unseize the small screw and it was manky so we cleaned it up, sadly however i noticed when holding it up to the light it looked like an eclipse as there was so much light coming through the sides, is this normal as ive never seen in before on any throttle bodies ive had in the past and there was play side to side aswell


cheers mick

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There will be some daylight visible between flap and body the amount all depends on the position of stop screw.

You will also have side to side movement as a result of the tolerance between flap and body.


Whether it is fubared all depends on the amount of daylight and movement,are you able to post a picture?

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There will be some daylight visible between flap and body the amount all depends on the position of stop screw.

You will also have side to side movement as a result of the tolerance between flap and body.


Whether it is fubared all depends on the amount of daylight and movement,are you able to post a picture?


sadly its back on the car now but id say 0.1mm maybe, i think you could of got a piece of paper in between which i know is .1mm as the old fart in the toolroom where i worked used to check his vernier with it :lol:

Edited by 205_sunderland

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