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Wiper Motor And Jet Wiring

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anybody got any idea how theyre wired up?

the haynes diagram is confusing as anything and goes through at least 3 relays?



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If my notes are correct, then at the motor end you've got :-

1 - Red - feed to motor for fast winding

2 - Black - from motor to earth

3 - Blue - constant live (allows it to park)

4 - White - feed to motor slow winding

5 - Grey - park


The washer pump is wired off pin 7 on the stalk, and this wire also feeds a pin on the wipe relay (to wipe while washing, of course).

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so if i was wiring up for just one speed (cba with 2 speed) I would just connect black to earth, blue to 12v, white to switched 12v? via a relay, fuse, and stalk?, and then grey to???



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I believe so, yes, although I would just check the grey (pin 5) as by the look of my notes this earths when the motor is in park (ie. when parked, pins 2 and 5 short, when in wipe pins 3 and 5 short) so it looks like it's intended to drive the relay to keep the motor going. I believe it goes to the middle pin of the wipe relay, looking at a diagram by someone else that I found off this forum and printed off - but since they're not my notes, I never verified.

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Ok, so more simply lol,

12v to the slow motor speed, and ground to the stalk, should this give me a simple slow speed with no auto park? i could probably live with that seeing its not going to be used on the road very often and is purely for MOT purposes.


Thanks for your replies btw

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Oh blimey yeah, if you don't want any parking or intermittent, just wire up the feed and earth to whatever switch you want :-D !!

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cheers lad, much appreciated. Just got to recover from my illness now so i can get out and do it :(

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cant get the bugger to work.


Had the battery straight onto the motor just to get it to turn and it wouldnt still.


i had black to neg and white to positive. Nothing?


ive tried every combination of wires and nothing.

so do i need the blue connected at all times and then the white and black aswell? or should it work with just black and white?



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Did anything ever come of this? Just drawing the wiper circuit into a diagram for my car at the moment and the haynes isnt really helping me, I'd like to no who thought it was a good idea to draw switches and relays as boxes with no clues as to internal workings!...


Any help would be great.





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M5 - earth

62 Live from relay.

61 Live via ignition.

200 - fusebox - 29a, stalk

31a - fusebox - 31 to stalk


33a ign live to stalk from fusebox


102, feeds washer pump, triggers relay as well.


200 and 31a from what I can figure out would be the two different speed triggers.

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Cheers pal. Any idea on 62? What relay and when should it be live? :S Is there an intermittent on 205's? Or just slow and 'fast'?


Also, is it a feed from the stalk or does it earth? Guessing a feed since all the original relays are external?

Edited by alexcrosse

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I was looking at the 405 manual, as most psa wiper motors are the same.




page 277, looks like they are lives, though I'm not too certian how it works entirely :lol:

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