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Ignition Barrel Wires, What Connect To What

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Morning all


posted under a previous thread of mine, but am struggling like mad with it, was seeing Haynes wiring diagrams in my sleep, no jokes :/


Basically, to fit the immobiliser, some chap has cut the orange and yellow wire coming off the ignition barrel, i have no idea where they go or what they do. They are the orange and yellow on the bottom left side of the barrel image below.


What are they, and where do they go?




There also 2 wires feeding into the alarm, from the fuse box, numbers 32A and 46 (relating to the start motor and something else ive forgotten at the moment) but they dont actually go anywhere just into the alarm and thats it. They are red and white if that means anything.


If anyone has any information on which should go where that would be great thanks




Edited by johnhenry

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This is based on what my immobiliser installer did, so it might not be exactly right for you, but should be a good starting point...


When I took my old immobiliser out, it was interrupting 2 circuits ( starter and fuel pump if I remember correctly) It did this by putting itself in line with 2 wires under the steering column. Each wire was cut, with one half going to one side of the immobiliser, and one to the other.

So, I had the main body of the immobiliser connected to ( via lengths of cable) 2 red wires and 2yellows so I just connected the 2 reds together and the 2 yellows together. Along with these there was an earth to the immobiliser too...


It sounds as though you have something very similar but maybe the fitter has used red an white wires to make up the last bit for some reason. If the red and white wires are as you say for the fuel pump and something else related to getting the car going (starter solenoid for example), then you've probably got something like me.


Do you know whats being immobilised? i.e. does the starter turn, does the fuel pump run?

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starter was being being immobilised.


However, some good news! and a huge bit of luck.

managed to get a look at a friends 205 gti in his workshop for about 5 mins, wrote down the diagram, came home, was as easy as pie to cut it out once i had the small diagram. The chap who wired the alarm in was bloomin awful! but its out now so im chuffed!

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