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Diesel Rev Counter

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After searching for the past few days i cant seem to find the info i need.


Ive fitted stdt clock to my 205 that has a 1.9 td engine (originaly no turbo so no rev counter), i know the flywheel sensor (3 pin) has the output for the rev counter, and the rev counter has a (4 pin) plug.


What i cant find is wht inputs the rev counter plug needs for it to work, Im gessing;




3.feed from flywheel 1

4.feed from flywheel 2


Dose anyone have a wiring diagram for a diesel rev counter?



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after a bit of playing around i have some sort of rev counter, its very jittery, doesnt read much more than 2k and seems to be delayed.



the pins on the rev counter (4) i put;


pin1 live

pin2 earth

pin3 from flyweel sensor

pin4 from flywheel sensor



so possibly the flywheel sensor is not working or needs set?


however it is 'pulsing' correctly :wacko:

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Not all the rev counter pins are used afaik so you might be confusing it if you put a crank signal into both pin 3 & 4 but also the flywheel sensors are prone to failing.


They do need to be set the correct distance from the flywheel but if you fit a new one they have the tabs that wear when you start the car to set the gap correctly, otherwise its a gearbox off job to get the gap set or just keep moving it until it works.



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