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How Are The Pins On The Tachy Relay Numbered?

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Can you tell me how the pins in the tachy relay are numbered?

My tachy relay failed sometime ago, and my mechanic's wired it up so that the car works without the relay. The two pins in the connector have been bridged (pictured below), and it only gets a 12v feed when the ignition is switched on (I know, dangerous in case of an accident, but...had to find a way to make the car driveable).



I'm trying to figure out how the bypass works to see if it's as simple as removing the bridge and plugging in the replacement tachy relay.

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After actually reading your post, I guess that pic won't help!

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Or can someone tell me which wire goes to which pin? Will see if I can trace the wires out on a spare loom I have, but really would like to figure out the numbering before I plug in this tachy relay. the last time the mechanic tried a tachy relay, the car wouldn't switch off until the relay was unplugged.

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