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I have done my best to find a thread, and I dont want to exhaust the few useful contacts I have :(


I have a Mi16 head, thinking about using a newer XU10 head, J4R/S.


Basically I need to find the differences in the heads.


Things like,

Inlet port spacing, port shape, port size, exhaust port shape, port size, port spacing, and importantly, the stud location on the inlet and exhaust manifolds.

Also, what about oil/water ways?


Both My inlet and exhaust manifold is suited to the 1.9 Mi16 Head.


Thanks for any further help


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inlet stud pattern is the same, though there is a locating dowel that varie in position between them, the 2.0 exhaust studs are the same pattern but the ports slightly different, 8 on the Mi16, 4 on the later heads, your 4-branck manifold fits both 1.9 and 2.0 patterns IIRC.


later heads have a smaller combustion chamber, which means slightly higher compression if used on the same pistons.


oilways all the same, same gasket for the 2.0's.


separate cam carriers on later heads, fewer lugs for the coilpack/s on the R head, vacuum pump on the RS, cam journals are a different diameter to the Mi16, a cam position sensor on the front at the pulley end on the RS


vacuum pump fitted to some but not all 2.0 mi16's, 2.0 Mi16 has the cam sensor in the top of the thermostat housing and a reference tang on the end of the cam, an oil drain on the 2.0 behind the top of the thermostat housing.



if you want to swap to the later heads you need to use the corresponding lower timing belt pulley, timing belt kit, and timing belt covers, belt kit is cheaper though.

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lets say then Mei, If i were to move from the 1.9 head I currently have, to the 2.0 RS head, from the gti6, what changes do I need to do?


For the time being, i'd have to use standard cams until funds permit better ones.



lower belt pulley

RS belt


will my fanimolds both fit? I thought the Stud pattern would be different on the exhaust?

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some of those mi16 conversion maniflods were made to fit 1.9 and 2.0 heads, cant remember if yours is or not.

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