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205Gti5 Dies When Turning Right

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Chaps, the '6 has developed a strange fault:


Occasionally when I turn right the car will cut out, splutter and pop a few times before coming to a halt. It has happened 3 times in two weeks and I cannot force it to happen.


It has a Peugeot fitted immobiliser but the LED does not go to the armed state when this happens and I don't have to reinsert the fob to get the car to restart; it fires straight up again once the ignition is off/on'd?


It never cuts out when giving it the beans in a straight line so i'm presuming the fuel pressure is OK, although I'm going to purchase a fuel pressure gauge to check - should be 3bar right?


I'm trying to work out whether or not its an electrical fault or a fuelling problem, hence the post.


Anybody shed some light or give any pointers on where to start looking?

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My guess is electrical - broken wire or bad contact in the loom somewhere that moves slightly and cuts out when turning right.

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Loose earth or similar is my guess.


Check the loom earth if there is one on the side of the head (gearbox side) and the earth on the gearbox, also where it terminates on the body.


Also check your positive/power cables on the alternator, starter, battery and shunt box (little black box in engine bay with a few fuses in)



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i had it going over bumps, take the relays and wiggle them one by one if it cuts out, reterminate them properly, chances are the connectors are corroded.

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thanks all, I will check all of the above and report back

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Can you tell by listening if the pump is still running when it happens? Maybe wire a bulb into it? I'm just wondering if it's the tachy relay losing it's latch, but that assumes your 6'd car even uses one....

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good idea brumster, i'll wire a small 12v bulb into the feed this weekend (work away during the week)

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Have you got PAS on it?

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Have you got PAS on it?


CosKev, no PAS fitted, however...


I think I've found the issue, this cable looks as though it has been rubbing against the battery tray mount when turning right:




Uploaded with ImageShack.us


I've since wrapped it in duck tape as a temp fix prior to getting some heat shrink on it. Looks like an ECU loom?


Hopefully its sorted. Thanks for everyone's help

Edited by miamibungers

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I'd take the opportunity not just to patch up the immediate damage, but rather to sort out that loom/conversion properly so that problems like this will not occur in future - that means having the loom properly retained/supported so that it can't flail around and risk wire breaks, excessive pull/strain on connectors, and rubbing on other parts, plus ensuring that it's covered in something rather more hardwearing than what appears to be electrical tape to help prevent it rubbing through if any contact is made.

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Apart from anything else security of wiring looms is going to become part of the MOT test soon.

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Very good point Anthony, I think I'll heat shrink it then get some of that plastic flex stuff Peugeot use on their looms over it. Then I'll zip tie it all down to proper mounting points.


Thanks again chaps

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