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Back Axle Grease Nipples Quick Question And Suspension Question

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My car is seriously starting to drive like a rwd on hard cornering will drift heavily making it fun but its nowhere near as capable as my old gti, I want to fit grease nipples and was wondering if you guys could tell me best place to fit as axle seems fine other than it getting stiff and im building another over the course of the 6 months anyway.


My second question is could the shockers front and rear be responsible for this as they look like the original ones from peugeot so are very old now. Im going to replace them also but was wondering if it was purely symptoms of the axle stiffening up or is it a combo of both?


cheers mick

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If you're going to do a job, do the job properly and fix the problem - don't just attempt to mask it.


If the beam is screwed - which if it's original then there's a strong likelihood that it is - then rebuild or replace it so that it's good. Pumping it full of grease will delay it seizing completely, but it won't magically repair the underlying problems that's causing the car to handle badly, just make stripping it a horrible, messy job.


Grease nipples in beams have been discussed plenty of times if you do a search.

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As above do it properly if it is getting stiff then something is starting to fail inside tube.


Personally I cannot see any need to fit grease nipples so long as beam is built properly in first place it should give plenty of service before needing doing again.

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As above do it properly if it is getting stiff then something is starting to fail inside tube.


Personally I cannot see any need to fit grease nipples so long as beam is built properly in first place it should give plenty of service before needing doing again.



The beam is fine though, the car isnt used daily and the car stood for a year before i got it, it has no camber etc and has done 75k, this is a short term solution while i build another beam and coming from my father who was a mechanic for 40 years he states anyone saying it doesnt help is talking crap after the amount of beams he did over the years.


He agreed long term the bearings etc will still fail as its just wear (as i read on other posts when i searched) but as regards keeping the beam as free as possible it does help.


If its going to help the beam be more responsive short term for a few quid i will do it definetly.


I did do a search about grease nipples and didnt find any info on where to place them which is why ive asked.


cheers mick

Edited by 205_sunderland

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Well I do know for sure it has been discussed fairly recently because Surgie and I were having a discussion about it not long ago.


The general consensus from the people that build the beams is, why bother as the grease has no way of getting into the bearings anyway as they are effectively sealed once the arms are in place.

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With grease nipples the grease will not get to bearings anyway due to where they would be positioned,all you will end up doing is filling the tube with grease and not penetrating in to bearings.

If beam is already stiff the damage is done,only real way to recover it would be pull arms off to actually grease bearings but then you could end up with the bearings falling apart if they are worn.

Also if the beam is on car how do you drill tube to fit nipples and not get swarf inside it ready to mix with the fresh grease?

If you want to fit them they will need doing while beam is stripped so it can be cleaned out.

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Check this thread out, it may give you some pointers > HERE


The general feeling is where's there's grease there is less chance of any foreign substances getting in there. I have fitted oilite bearings and grease can still get inside the bearing surfaces as there is no seal to stop it. You could cut a bit of the seal off on the roller type bearings so grease can get in, up too you.


There are picture's of where i fitted my grease nipples on that thread, most people just fit them in-between the two bearings right in the middle, careful where though so the torsion bars wont get in the way etc. The grease nipples I fitted are different to most nipple, they should give more access to attach to them due to their angle. I also have some nipple covers too for their protection against road stuffs.


Also, well grease all the seals that the beam has, inc the ARB seal's.


HTH :)

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The beam is fine though, the car isnt used daily and the car stood for a year before i got it, it has no camber etc and has done 75k, this is a short term solution while i build another beam and coming from my father who was a mechanic for 40 years he states anyone saying it doesnt help is talking crap after the amount of beams he did over the years.

Why bother asking the question then if you're not going to listen to what's been said? :rolleyes:


If you want to believe that your beam which is stiff is fine just because the clock shows 75k on it then be my guest.


If you could tell us all the supplier of your magic repairing grease however, I'm sure that it'll save our members many hours and lots of money stripping and rebuilding the beams that they too believed were "fine" but - curiously - turned out to be anything but when taken apart. With your magic repairing grease that'll turn the needle bearing assembly back from dust into its original state and the shaft from a corroded pitted mess back to pristine metal, you'll retire a rich man and 205 owners across the land will workship you as some sort of deity...



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Why bother asking the question then if you're not going to listen to what's been said? :rolleyes:


If you want to believe that your beam which is stiff is fine just because the clock shows 75k on it then be my guest.


If you could tell us all the supplier of your magic repairing grease however, I'm sure that it'll save our members many hours and lots of money stripping and rebuilding the beams that they too believed were "fine" but - curiously - turned out to be anything but when taken apart. With your magic repairing grease that'll turn the needle bearing assembly back from dust into its original state and the shaft from a corroded pitted mess back to pristine metal, you'll retire a rich man and 205 owners across the land will workship you as some sort of deity...






Edited by 205_sunderland

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Im sorry but your being a bloody idiot, theres no need to get on your high horse when Anthony was only trying to help, Ant is the most experienced guy on the forum when it comes to 205 axles, hes rebuilt more axles than i've had hot dinners so take note!


At the end of the day most 205's are 20yrs old now and if your axle has not been touched then the likelyhood is its close to being knackered. Bunging in some grease isn't going to cure the problem if the bearings have already started to collapse and the main seal has failed, allowing water ingress.


You've already mentioned its not handling as it should so if its got to this point then it needs stripping down and rebuilding. The longer you leave it, the more its going to cost to fix, because even chucking some grease in isn't going to stop the problem from getting worse and it could potentially right off the whole axle costing you a lot more in the long run.


So go ahead waste some time and pump it full of grease! I wonder if you'll be putting up a 'Look at the state of my axle' thred in a few months time.

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your opinion is not valued


You're right, Anthony knows the grand sum of jack s*it when it comes to rear beams :lol:


This thread just turned classic :lol:

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Im rebuilding a different axle so dont care what state it in at a later date this is a quick help for now, some back axles can benifit from grease, if its not as responsive as it used to be grease will help it cant not, going on and on and on and on and on about rebuilding it helps me jack sh•t. Ive seen it first hand improve cars as over the years my dad did shed loads when we had our garage including gti's and forcing alot through did loosen them up, im some cases he even used heavy gearbox oil at first to get in there before using grease.


nice to see the modern culture of service nothing replace everything is alive and well still, everything is worth a try, especially when ive seen it work


And when you make sarcastic comments i hope your prepared too back them up as last time someone tried to mock me with sarcasm and whit instead of just anwering my questions i took his head clean off his shoulders at a car show for his cheek. When i speak to people i try to do it with respect and not mock people even if they are miss informed so i expect it back.


Ill leave this thread dead in the water now and dont want anymore posts as i just cant be bothered go any further into it as its a waste of time and i have chest pains already at the minute with enough on so cant be fcuked on getting stressed over this.

Edited by 205_sunderland

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So, the only thing that does beg questioning is. If you did some many temporary beam repair jobs with grease alongside your dad when you ran a garage and you know that this works, why on earth are you bothering to ask about it on here and then getting all aggressive when people with knowledge try to advise you that this is not the way to sort out a beam.


If you don't like sarcasm the you've definitely come to the wrong place because there are plenty of people on here that excel in it. Naming no names of course.

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Not the attitude to take on here, when some ones trying to help you. If you know it all why bother coming on here. :ph34r:

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So, the only thing that does beg questioning is. If you did some many temporary beam repair jobs with grease alongside your dad when you ran a garage and you know that this works, why on earth are you bothering to ask about it on here and then getting all aggressive when people with knowledge try to advise you that this is not the way to sort out a beam.


If you don't like sarcasm the you've definitely come to the wrong place because there are plenty of people on here that excel in it. Naming no names of course.



ive never did them personally as i was very young and my dad is not in a good state of health to get involved with my cars heavily due to his mind going to be fair along with his health , i asked originally where to put a nipple plain and simple and if shockers etc could be down to the issue aswell, its alot easier to post on here to ask a question than to ask the father so help so thats why i do. Ill not bother again if its an excuse for people to have a pop and feel big about themselves

Edited by 205_sunderland

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No one's having a pop at all from what I can see, Just years of advice on beams, I've had a good 20 years alone and have to agree grease nipples do nothing than make a mess so we are only trying to save you have hassle,

The amount of sub 60k beams that I see and it's more than most here are just as bad so mileage means nothing at all, Onto my dads 306 and with 260k one pin was still serviceable

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No one's having a pop at all from what I can see, Just years of advice on beams, I've had a good 20 years alone and have to agree grease nipples do nothing than make a mess so we are only trying to save you have hassle,

The amount of sub 60k beams that I see and it's more than most here are just as bad so mileage means nothing at all, Onto my dads 306 and with 260k one pin was still serviceable


i respect your opinion as i remember i got alot of help from you years ago when i did my mi and got a manifold of you but passing comments calling things magical etc is cheek and it makes me mad when i asked for a simple answer not cheek, i have a short fuse so dont like being spoken to like that because if someone did that to my face, any further smart remarks and id roundhouse there head clean off there shoulders.


So to resolve this in future if i ask a question and you cant answer it without a shoddy attempt to diss me dont even bother id rather wait for one of the other lads to reply whos not going to.

Edited by 205_sunderland

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the trouble is you have posted about a problem with poor handling you also mentioned the beam is tight,people who build beams on a regular basis have posted offering advice and you came back and said the advice was in the words of your dad crap,now as anthony said was there any point posting if you are not really interested in what they are telling you?


the simple facts are the car has been stood for a while is not used much and is starting to seize,the damage is already done to the bearings,shafts and poss tube so grease is not going to recover it.Putting nipples in to a beam is not going to do much to already failing components.By fitting nipples you will introduce swarf in to the tube for starters,then if you had 2 nipples between bearings that is a large area to try and fill with grease you would need loads of the stuff to fill it up eneough to reach the bearings.Then you are relying on the small movements of trailing arm to try and pull grease in to bearings,it will probably seize fully before this happens.


In my opinion the best thing you can do is get the replacement beam built up ASAP,as for the shocker question it is a case of checking for leaks,bushes on rear shocks and give it a bounce test on each corner.

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but passing comments calling things magical etc is cheek and it makes me mad when i asked for a simple answer not cheek, i have a short fuse so dont like being spoken to like that because if someone did that to my face, any further smart remarks and id roundhouse there head clean off there shoulders.


With all due respect, maybe you should stop being so precious and lighten up a bit. Maybe it would help with your general stress levels and chest pain too. I very much doubt you go through life resorting to physical violence against anyone who gets a bit cheeky with you, and if you do, well I think you need to get some councelling :blink:


Guess what? This is the internet. People get smart. People get cheeky. People (mostly) have some sense of humour. People also try to be helpful too. Don't bite the hand that feeds you just cos you can't handle a little bit of sarcasm.

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