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Driving Lamp Wiring Missing

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I've fitted a pair of driving lamps to the front valance to find that the wiring to connect them up is missing. There are no loose cables or yellow connectors anywhere.


Should there be two relays at the top of the bulkhead ? As I currently only have 1 relay there, and just next to it where all the cables come through the bulkhead from the inside of the car...there are two black wires which have been snipped. Are these snipped wires the ones which are supposed to go to a second relay on the bulkhead, and then from that to the driving lamps ?


I've had a look at the Haynes wiring diagrams but couldn't work out which bits were missing.


Cheers :)

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Gonna follow this thread because I only have wiring for one spotlight and a snipped black wire where you describe.

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Davie if you let me know what the wiring is like for the single lamp you have then we might be able to work out the rest.

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I'll have a look mate next time the weather isn't pissing down, could be a while :lol:

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Are the yellow plugs not still there behind th headlights for the driving light wiring? Pretty sure it only has the one relay there being Ph1.5 rather than the 2 that Ph2's have. I can't remember what i atually removed if anything, the 2 snipped black wires could be the brake pad 'sensor' wires.

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The only yellow connectors I can see are the ones used on the groundings plugs which are bolted to the bodywork. There's no sign of the longer thinner driving light connectors and I can't seem to find any loose wiring anywhere. Does anyone know where these wires usually exit the main bunch of loom wires so I can try and trace it ?

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Are the yellow plugs not still there behind th headlights for the driving light wiring? Pretty sure it only has the one relay there being Ph1.5 rather than the 2 that Ph2's have. I can't remember what i atually removed if anything, the 2 snipped black wires could be the brake pad 'sensor' wires.


I only have one relay? (green one in a black box behind the strut?) It's a ph2 1.6 gti


Get the multimeter out?

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The driving lamp relay is in the fusebox (2nd from the left iirc). The one in the engine bay is for the dim/dipped beam.

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Was having a look at the wiring on mine yesterday and the plugs aren't there either.


The wire have been cut off where they branch off the main headlamp loom, cant see any numbers but they're orange/brown and grey.

Just need to find some replacements from a scrappy now :rolleyes:

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I wouldn't bother with replacements from a scrappy, just run some fresh cable and be happy in the knowledge that you're not getting voltage drop along a 20 year old piece of wire :)

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All I need to know now is where to run the new cables from !

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Phil H

I just installed new wiring as mine randomly worked / shorted. Got a relay and plug from the scrappy and this then snaps into place in the previously mentioned black box.


Take a feed from headlight main beam wire to relay.

Earth the relay using the screw holding the black box on the bulkhead.

Power feed from the fuse box on the slam panel under one of the 10mm nuts at the end of it to relay.

Feed to lamps from relay..

New earth from lamps to those blocks with the wax covers on.


30 mins work if that and now 100% reliable.

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Thanks for the informative reply, will give it a go!

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Using the diagram above (provided with the wiring kit i've bought), rather than wiring 'Green' to a rocker switch, can I run that wire to the main beam wire behind one of the headlamps?


That way they will switch on at the same time like the original setup?

Edited by lemmingzappa

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Yes that will work - just needs a positive feed to switch, so the high beam wire will be fine.

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Obviously the lamps will need earths of their own aswell - unless they earth through their housings?

Edited by Sam306

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what amp wire would be best to use for the driving lights?

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Assuming a 55W bulb and a worse case scenario of 10 volts, that would be 5.5 amp current draw per lamp.


It's sensible to deliberately overspec the cabling, so I would put in 10 amp rated cabling to each lamp.


For common feed to the relay that supplies both lamps, you'll have the combined current draw of both lamps and hence would be wise to uprate the wiring accordingly. 2 x 55W at 10 volt would be 11 amp draw, so I would go with 20 amp rated wiring and a 15 amp fuse.


The switching wire and earth for it draw almost no current and hence 1-2 amp rated wiring will be plenty sufficient.

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Yes that will work - just needs a positive feed to switch, so the high beam wire will be fine.


Just to confirm, after soldering the switch wire to the terminal in the headlamp connector (grey wire) it works a charm!

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