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Bx16V Management Loom Wires

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Whilst changing my ignition barrel yesterday I noticed two stray wires coming from or maybe to the ECU;




It's been a while since I fitted the early two row engine but from what I remember there were three of these wires, one connected to earth the other spare when in the other car.


I just wanted to confirm if they should be left disconnected, earthed or would have been connected to something in the BX that the 205 doesn't have like AC etc.



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Just got the multi meter on the ECU plug pins and established the grey wires with the red plug goes in one direction to pin 5 on the ECU which is earth according to CAPS and in the other direction heads towards the engine. Should probably connect to earth then.


The other wire, green with a red plug connects to pin 15 on the ECU which is unused on CAPS.


So i just need to identify the thicker yellow wire with the clear plug that comes from the engine, this is currently connected to an earth but as it doesnt come the ECU I cant check its pinout. Any ideas?



Edited by dino20vt

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The only thick yellow wire I have coming not going to the ECU comes from the Fuel Pump Relay to give the FP the 12v feed. On my car it is connected to the fuel pump +12v feed in the brown multiplugs under the dash.

Edited by sport1901966

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The 2-row loom has a couple of wires for connecting an octane coding resistor. I'll check mine when I get chance, but from memory they look very much like the ones in the photo.

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They could well be for the resistor. I remember reading somewhere that with no resistor fitted the ignition timing is advanced for super unleaded. With a resistor fitted the timing is retarded for using 95 ron.


As I don't have a resistor should I be using super or does it not matter?

Would I notice a difference if I did?

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Supposedly there are 6-8 different value resistors you can use and the different values can change the fuel, timing, idle speed, and possibly other things too. All the information I could find was Vauxhall-related though (they used the same model ML4.1 ECU for a while), so I don't know which features are actually enabled on the Pug/Citroen ECUs.


I have a resistor fitted, but according the the Vauxhall charts the one I have is the same as having none, and it doesn't appear to have any effect when I unplug it.


One day I'll do a proper scientific test and see what I can find...

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