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Starting Issue

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My problem seems very similar to a lot of old threads, so forgive me for going over old ground I just need to clarify my thinking a bit...


My car started having problems with starting where it would take a number of attempts to get it to turn over. Then one day it wouldn't at all and I noticed smoke coming from the solenoid when trying. Assumption - starter motor is siezed and need a new one.


So I've got a 2nd hand one (said it was tested, is the slim one) which I now realise I should have bench tested before fitting, but like a bull in a china shop I put it on the car. Car still won't start. Here is what I have done as suggested by previous threads....


1. removed earth point on gearbox and cleaned up.

2. checked multiplug - to find I don't have one! There is a brown to yellow plug there with 3 wires in only which is clean.

3. Hit solenoid with 12v from a jump lead to the battery - one loud clunk then nothing.

4. I've push started the car and it ran fine. On trying again - just the one click then nothing.


Other than take off the starter off again and bench test it, have I missed anything?




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is it the same problem with both starters?


have you checked the battery and the battery to starter lead?


if it were me i would see what voltage drops to when trying to start and also removing the lead off starter and run a seperate one down before going down the remove again route.

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is it the same problem with both starters?


have you checked the battery and the battery to starter lead?


if it were me i would see what voltage drops to when trying to start and also removing the lead off starter and run a separate one down before going down the remove again route.


The problems seems the same across both. I tested the old starter just and the solenoid would clunk but the starter wouldn't spin (done with jump leads on the respective terminals and the starter body). Although the battery is a common element - it is only a year old, bosch silver and fully charged.


I have other batteries to try but bigger / higher amps (off my vw bus and saab aero) - I'm not going to blow anything by trying them am I?....



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If it same on both starters I would be inclined to think the battery could be the fault,only way to tell is try another.

Using a bigger one to test will not do any harm.

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I hope it is just the battery. Getting that starter off was a right pain - it still had the bracket on the left hand side, being a "fat" starter.

I'm hoping I can do it without removing and resealing the manifold this time. We'll see....


I'll whip the battery off another motor tomorrow and give it try (or maybe tonight if its stops pissing down for a bit).


Cheers for the advice.


If it same on both starters I would be inclined to think the battery could be the fault,only way to tell is try another.

Using a bigger one to test will not do any harm.

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Tried another battery = no dice. Still the same single loud click.


I decided to check all the other earth points - I did the gearbox and the ignition module plate one is pretty new (after engine rebuild < 1000 miles ago).

Checked the headlamp ones and although one was fine (off side) the other was pretty manky and had a spider living in it with eggs! I'm not sure those rubber boots around them are a good idea, I suspect they just trap moisture myself.


Anyway, half way through cleaning that up and rain has stopped play. I wonder if that is my problem? I hope so but cautiously sceptical at this point.....

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I think I've been stung with a dodgy replacement starter. Luckily I got it local so I can brick the windows in if I don't get my money back ;)


And the lesson I learned this week is......always test parts before you put them on your car.

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