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Another What Wire Is This >

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What is this wire for ?




Cheers G.

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Where does it originate picture does not make it very clear.

If I were to hazard a guess without any more info I would say it is non standard wire maybe old alarm or something?

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It comes from the load of wire loom set that are the windscreen wipers etc. The loom that comes from above the bonnet release part of the bulkhead. If needed i shall take a pic from where the wire comes from as it comes out from the loom not tied to this loom so looks original to me.


It was not used when i had the old engine in afair.

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Does anyone know what this blue wire was for ?



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Does it directly come out of the loom which passes through the bulkhead?

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Yes it does, i shall get a picture of the loom in a bit and post it later on after sorting a few bits on the car out.

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Hang on i'll have a quick look it's stopped raining.


No thick blue wire at all in that area mate, must be for some sort of alarm/amp/+ve?

Edited by Paul_13

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Ok thanks, ill sort a pic of the other end into loom later on, i doubt it would be an alarm one as its inside the loom but you never know eh.


I know what all the other wires plugs are for etc, like the red diagnostic plug.



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I made a mistake and found that it does come from the bonnet wire bulk head hole here >th_Wiresbluefuelpipe002.jpg


So no doubt it was for some old alarm.



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