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Is My Head Gasket Going To Fail…

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Hi, Is the below an early symptom of a head gasket failure,


On my 205 1.9 Cti the temperature gauge usually sits between the 4 and 5 bar on the gauge when driving about or in traffic.

Recently I have noticed that when driving up long gradual hills or step hills the temperature gauge shots up to just below the 7 bar. Next is the red bar.

I know when travelling up hill the pug’s engine is under more load so technically the temperature might increase, but it’s never done it in the past. Also i took my 309 GTi and completed the same drive and the gauge did not increase.


I gave the pug a complete oil change (filter too) and coolant change about 9 weeks back. Checking the water and oil levels they are both fine. Plus there appears to be no mixing of the two. No smoke from the exhaust too. I’ve also checked for air locks.


Does anyone know if this is an early sign or should I just not worry? Or another problem altogether?


Thanks Lewis

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Mikey S

if your loosing no coolant and its not mixing the two then i'd say no its not. if the temp gauge is rising when under load points to a blockage in the system. my money will be on the radiator being blocked slightly.


for the price of them i'd change it. getting it too hot by driving wont do it any good.




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First off does the cooling fan work?

Have you checked operation of thermostat and if rad has got cold spots?

Finally before assuming head gasket I would also check to make sure the gauge is giving accurate reading,could be temp switch

Playing up or the brown multiplug corroded and beginning to earth out?

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Thanks guys.


The fans cut in and out fine. And I beleive the guage to be working correctly. I'll check the rad, connections and switches this weekend then update. I'll bleed the system again too.

Hoping it's ok and something simple.

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we had a supra on the way to le mans, it was overheating, fresh water and oil change, turns out it was an air lock, but it boiled over twice, and spiked multiple times before it managed to move the lock.


after that it was fine.


as previous, but also definitely bleed it thoroughly. The thermostat can be checked in a pan of hot water.





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