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Boot Central Locking Not Working

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I've just notcied that my boot lock doesnt lock when I use the remotor locking blip (its an origionly Peugeot fitted item not after market) or if I just lock the car on the drivers side with the key. The passenger and drivers door still lock as they should.


I've found that if I lock the boot with the key, then unlock the car with the blip of key in drivers side door it unlocks?!


Would it just be the central locking solenoid for the boot needing replacing or is there anything else I can check first?

Edited by DirtyFlare

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Check the state of the wires where they run into the tailgate (rubber gromit at the top of tailgate) to make sure non of the wires are damaged. Sounds like its either the solenoid like you say or the 'lock' trigger wire to the boot is damaged. Cant remember whether the 205 uses a 2 or 3 wire solenoid system though.



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Interesting as mine does the reverse. I can lock it with the key but only open it using the central locking with the key in the drivers door. Also any help appreciated.

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