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Refitting Liners

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going to be putting my xu9j back together soon and was wondering about refitting the liners,it has been ages since i did major work to a pug lump (16 years) and cannot for the life of me remember if the seals were fitted dry or not.

on the renault 5 turbo amongst others the owners swear by applying a smear of silicone sealer the the liner seal seat inside block,is this something that is recommended on the pug lump or are they put in dry?

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Tom Fenton

I installed mine with a smear of wellseal to make sure. I personally would not use any sealant that cures, but a non setting sealant is OK in my opinion. Certainly my liner seals do not leak anyhow.

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Make sure the "seat" on the block and the liner is super smooth and clean. I just grease the o-rings to help them settle.

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Cheers for replies.


I have got an original pug workshop manual I liberated when apprentice in there it just says make sure all is clean and lightly grease.

Think I will follow the pug instructions and hope for best.

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I have got an original pug workshop manual I liberated when apprentice in there it just says make sure all is clean and lightly grease.

Think I will follow the pug instructions and hope for best.

With new liner seals?


They should have a thin rubber o-ring under the liner, I really wouldn't hope for the best without any seals for the sake of a few quid for some new ones.


J turnell was selling them awhile ago for under £10 iirc.



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With new liner seals?


They should have a thin rubber o-ring under the liner, I really wouldn't hope for the best without any seals for the sake of a few quid for some new ones.


J turnell was selling them awhile ago for under £10 iirc.







should have been more clear,make sure seat in block and on liner are clean and fit new seals with a light coat of grease.


i ordered some from pug for £5 but were on back order so i got some off j turnell aswell,as luck would have it i fitted the ones from j turnell the day after pug ones arrived aswell.

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phew, thats ok then.


Hate to see the time wasted to build it without them only for it to leak.



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