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Low Speed Fan Resistor

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Evening all,


Having a fiddle with the car earlier and realised that the low speed fan resistor has three terminals, yet the plug only has 2...

The plug seemed a little melted from where it gets hot, but come to think of it the low speed fan has never worked but the high speed has.








Is this a case of switching the plug round so it contacts the other terminal on the resistor? Or is this resistor fudged? Or the wrong one entirely?


Any thoughts welcome


P.S. I've done a search but mostly talk of removing the resistor entirely

Edited by Paul_13

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Probably Got 3 terminals because it is used for other applications also.

Slow speed could be knackered because of plug or switch in rad.

There is a test plug for fan 1 terminal is common live the other 2 are slow and fast,have a check there to see if both speeds work if they do it is switch in rad faulty if it does not then could be the resistor.


Personally I would take it off and throw in the bin,as you say plenty of threads about doing that.

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Ok, I was going to replace the switch in rad anyway out of caution.

I was aware about the test plug, only thing is the car has no power or an engine in the front.


I'll think i'll get my hands on a new one and see what the results are



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Phil H

sure you not looking at the headlamp dim dip resistor?

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It's on the same loom as the rad temp sensor and brown testing plug for the fan. I guessed it was the right one as it was with other fan related stuff.

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It's on the same loom as the rad temp sensor and brown testing plug for the fan. I guessed it was the right one as it was with other fan related stuff.

Yeah it is Paul - the other one for headlight dim-dip is on the main engine bay loom, and should be tucked down underneath the passenger headlight.

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Where are these meant to be fitted? Can't see the clip for this, I can see the clip for the headlight resistor under the headlight.

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The fan one?


If so mine was clipped in the channel on top of radiator originally.

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Nice one mine doesn't have one as I changed the rad.



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