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Cartek Battery Isolator

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I managed to pick up a cheap new cartek battery isolator for the rally car but I am having a problem installing it and need to pick your brains. I have got no idea how to wire up the fuel/ignition part of the system. Here are the instructions that came with it. www.cartek.biz/ISOLATORDS+GTINSTRUCTIONSHEET(pdf).PDF


I am running a GTi-6 engine and the 205 has the original fuseboard but with all the crap not needed removed. I am running two fuel pumps and the feed for these is running from the ecu through to the fuseboard and then onto two relays to the pumps. I could power these relays from the fuel/ign stud but that will only stop the pumps and not the ecu.


Does anybody have any idea what I can power from the fuel/ign stud that will kill the engine as soon as I press the button. What is confusing me I think is that the power is coming from this stud and not passing through like it does on the red key type kill switch.



Edited by jorg

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