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Identification Of Random Wires Below Steering Column

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Whilst trying to get to the brown multiplugs for my gti6 conversion, I started attacking all the fittings and wires under the steering column. Now fast forward 18 months and my house is bought and looking lovely, but old stupid over hear forgot to lable the wires because I thought I would re-attach them the next day...


Anyway, I would be really grateful if anyone can identify where the two wires in the below picture go. They are the two ringed wires with black sheathing. Just to complicate things, I also have a clifford alarm and you wouldn't believe the amount of wiring they've stuffed down there. Could they be part of that and need to be earthed somewhere?


I have a very slight memory of them being earthed on the bolts that hold the steering column in place, could that be it? The trouble is that I have no engine or battery connected, so I can't really play around to see if they do anything.


Oh, and I assume the yellow wire doesn't connect to anything?


Many thanks in advance



Edited by Gman

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There more than likely to do with the alarm and more than likely earths, yellow stays disconnected aswell.

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Thanks James,


Any idea if these can be both earthed on the same point, or would it cause any issues if they are touching each other?


Many thanks

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Put to same point as they will still be connected to each other no matter what earth points you use,they Defo look like alarm wiring as nothing like that on my pug wiring.

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Great, thanks guys

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