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Help With Locating Part Name/number

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Hello All,

Were just undertaking a respray and freshen up of my good lady's 205 CTi and were missing a part that I cannot trace at the minute.

I have tried the search function on here and Peugeots servicebox but without luck. Here's hoping somone on here can help us out.

The other half has a phase 1 205 CTi 1.6. Under the front slam panel, where the bonnet catch sits are two spring clips that catch in the top half of the radiator. Between the radiator and the spring is a rubber isolating block. There should be one either side but we have lost one on out travels.

Anyone have any idea of a name or part number for this bit.

Thanks in advance.



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I have one missing and was unable to locate a number for it either,basically you have 2 choices.

1 look in scrappies for a 205 so you can get one or do what I did and cut a rubber block to size.

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£2.35 for the rubbe (#5)r, £6.07 or £3.46 for the spring (#6) depending on which you want (not sure what the difference is to be honest)

Edited by Ryan

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£2.35 for the rubbe (#5)r, £6.07 or £3.46 for the spring (#6) depending on which you want (not sure what the difference is to be honest)


Thanks very much for that Ryan, that one has been doing my head in.


I have tried the scrappy route but 205's are getting hard to come by down here.


Thanks again though.

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