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Curved Blade Fans

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Hello All


I discovered today that my slimline cooling fan was seized solid due to water getting inside the motor. I've been looking for a new one and would like to go for one with curved blades if possible as I've read that they're more efficent and a bit quieter than one with straight blades. The straight blade fan on my 205 at the moment pulls (pulled) air through the rad. Are curved blade ones able to pull air as well as push or do I have to buy a specific 'pull' fan?


I've been trying to work it out and have totally confused myself now :wacko:

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Spal - push, pull, straight or curve blades, the options are all there.Yes you have to use a specific push or pull fan for whatever application your after. Edited by Daz_C

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I use twin 9" Spal curved blade suction fans on mine.


As stated they are pull/push specific and both types are available.





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