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Fuel Swirl Pot

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Right, since re-shelling the original sla and using a much later K plate GTi, I have had massive problems with fuel surge. I have tried all sorts of combinations to cure this as the earlier cars dont suffer so much, early pump, extra gauze baffle, everything with no success. The next and final stage is to run a swirl pot. I have done lots of research and I think a 1.5litre item is the way to go with an 044 bosch pump, using the std pump in the tank as a lift pump. Has anyone got any experiences with swirl pots? Recommendations of manufacturers and suppliers?


Look forward to some input on a subject I know very little about.........




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I would steer clear of using the standard in-tank pump to fill the swirl pot; it will most likely flow too much, pressurising the swirl pot and running the top return loop back into the tank at high pressure... well, put it like this, if you DO go that route, I would ensure you get a good gauge of return pipe off the top of the swirl pot to flow it all back to the tank.... but personally I'd ditch the tank pump and just run a simple carb-type Facet pump to fill the swirl pot.

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I'd just fit a tank and pump that match.

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I'd just fit a tank and pump that match.



I did that and it surged.



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I used a similar setup in my old Impreza with no issues.


1.5l-2tr swirlpot £25

Bosch 044 copy external pump £65

Std walbro 255 as a lift pump



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simple carb-type Facet pump to fill the swirl pot.


Going back a few years, a mate had one of these in a 205 rallye with a 106 GTi lump. Aren't these really noisy? Or was it a one off? Ok on a rally car, but for a road car, it would do my nut in!



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They can be if you don't mount them on rubbers, yes!

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I dont think it would be wrong to state my old setup was stupid loud! :rolleyes:

Edited by stu8v

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So the general concensus is to ditch the std pump in the tank as a lift pump?



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I would keep it, if you have issues change it.


Nothing ventured............

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Hi Maxi, how did you get on with fitting a swirl pot, which pumps did you use in the end?


as you might have guessed, thats next on my agenda.


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