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Turbo Diesel Starting/immobiliser Issue

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Hi, this is my first post. I have tried searching quite a few times before I posted this but the search function doesn't seem to be working?! Hopefully someone can help...


I've got a K-reg XRDT which is a brilliant runner apart from an intermittant starting issue. When I go to turn the key absolutely nothing happens, it won't even try and turn over. The headlights, radio, heaters etc will all work but the engine won't start. This has only happened 5-6 times and always in similar conditions, usually after a longish drive on a hot day and always when I have left the car unlocked and occasionally one or two of the windows open. I drive the car on a 60 mile round trip commute daily and it has never failed to start or even struggled to start on my normal daily drive. - it only seems t happen at weekends (thankfully)! After a jump start it will start it straight away and then I'll drive home and it'll start fine every time again. It's really weird! I have taken it to the garage who cannot find any thing wrong (they tried to start it over 50 times and it started for them every time) and in all my experiments to replicate when it hasn't started - leaving it unlocked for more than 15 minutes, windows open etc I can't get it to happen again!


As I drive it everyday with no problems this suggests to me that there is nothing wrong with the battery, starter or alternator as it is a very irregular thing. It has only ever happened when the car has been left unlocked. Is it possible that I have an immobiliser fitted and how do I reset/by pass it? I have had a quick look at the battery and fuse box in the engine bay and can't see any evidence of a shoddily fitted aftermarket immobiliser. Is there a factory one?


Any ideas would be really appreciated!

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Could well be the starter that's beginning to die


Whilst I've not had it with diesel ones, certainly the original 205 GTi starters are notorious for doing this when hot - they'll be fine normally and when starting from cold, but parked up after a drive and after sitting there for a while suffering heatsoak you'll get absolutely nothing when you turn the key. Leave it to cool down, and it'll usually be fine again.

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Listen to him ben ^ he's the oracle :lol:

Edited by allye

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Thanks for the advice! before I go ahead and by a new starter is there anyway I can test it to find out what condition it's in?

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It's been a white since I've owned/worked on a 205TD so I can't remember how good/poor the access to the starter motor is, but the easiest way to prove it's not a wiring issue and that's it's likely a failing starter is to run a wire from the positive battery terminal to the starter solenoid terminal when it's not starting - if it spins over, then it is looking like a wiring/immobiliser/ignition barrel (etc) related issues, whereas if you just get a spark and no life, then chances are the starter is goosed.

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