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Conversion (Please Add Links To Parts)

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Hello everyone...

I've tried again and again to use the search engine of the site but i only get this error:


[#10145] Search is not enabled on the forums at this time.


dont know whats up so i apologise in advance for a probably common question, but i've been registered on the forum for a few days and i've been reading it up like a maniac...

I've got a car project on my hands, not a 205 but a Citroën BX, it started it's life has an 1.1 TU engine, but it has been pu in an 1.4 TU engine from a AX GT (K2A engine)...

It's fun, but not enough...


I want to put in an 1.9 Mi16 OR a 2.0 Turbo engine... I've got an 1.6 GTI engine but it's ruined, so i've got allready an injection system from a GTI. it's a separate loom from the car itself witch is nice, i think, and to what i've read, it's possible to use it to an Mi16 conversion, but after alot of digging in the Pugspares.co.uk i can not find the converter, i find the plug leads, but not the adapter for the distributor.

I've sended an enquiry for it about 3 days ago but no answer till now...

None of the engines i want is an easy find here in Portugal, and when they apear they cost a sh**load of money, specially to an unemployed fellow like me. :)


ive read alot about using a "dizzy", to use carbs on an mi16, what is it exactly?


to the 2.0l turbo engine, what would i need? ecu and cables i suppose, but i want to know exactly what cables, has there are lots of those in an XM/Xantia/406 and whatever car it has this engine. just the ecu loom? doesnt that is interconected to the wiring of the car?


i wish everything was like on the BX, ecu one bunch of cables, ABS another (i forgot to mention, but i will put in ABS in the car :) )


this is how the car looked when it has had the 1.4 K2A engine :)






Ive crashed with it (it was to avoid hitting a kid that crossed the road without looking), so the front has to come out





the car was in the street, near the warehouse were i will rebuild it and, without an fron axle was a bit of a laugh to put it in is place, so we have made an video with that "Adventure"

right now its stoped, inside the warehouse, resting, waiting for me to get hold of all the materials i need to restart the project...


best regards

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