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Carb Conversion With No Spark

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Yet I have found one more problem. There is no spark. I have used this image to wire up:


Something is telling me that my wiring was messed up already. I can not find the 3 pinned plug going to dizzy. There are only 5 pins/wires in going to the amp module as well. Is there something different with a 1,9 from 1987?


At least I will now try to wire up as in the article on the main site. But I have some questions.


There are no numbers on the drawed plug to the amp module. Is it 1, 2, 3 from left? When I find my wires to the dizzy - how to place each color? Last - the two pins in the middle of the coil are for no use now?


I hope you can answer some of this.

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