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Engine Bay Tidy Up.

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I'm going to use this nice weather to tidy up my engine bay a bit.


I want to remove any unnessary pipe work under there to make things less cluttered.


I understand I can remove the piping that heats the throttle body and have a diagram somewhere that shows me where I need to re route the remaining pipework.


secondly I think I am going to remove the SAD and associated piping, (it's for track only so cold starts won't be an issue)this is where I need to check a few details please.


I believe a pipe runs to the inlet manifold, I assume I need to block that. I assume one of the outlets on the induction pipe (it's got a cone filter) will need blanking too?


Will a suitable size bolt and a cable tie suffice?



What about the pipe that runs from the induction piping to the oil cap, does that stay as it is?

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the throttle body heater can easily be removed just connect the one from header tank direct to stat housing barb and do away with the other.


the sad is also simple once removed you will need to blank the barb on bottom of inlet manifold either use a rubber cap or a section of the pipe with a bolt blocking it up,you will also need to do the same with the barb on intake hose between throttle body and AFM.


As for the pipe from oil cap to intake that will need leaving on or engine cannot breath properly

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