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Sorry if this is a stupid question or has been covered before but i have done a search and found sum answers but not this answer.

Right i have started using tesco 99Ron petrol and i know i have to get the ignition timing done but my car (standard 1988 1.9) takes ages to start from cold once warmed up its fine.

Please tell me this will be solved when i get the ignition timing done

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Why do you need to change your timing, unless it was already out? By only changing the fuel to 99 RON you have reduced the chances of knock, i don't think you should have to though, i was under the impression the GTI's engine can ping on standard 95RON fuel, so switching to the 99RON fuel shouldn't warrant advancing the timing, but simply help avoid pre ignition.


The 99RON fuel is an ethanol blend i think, unfortunately these fuels do have worse cold start properties, im not sure if its a common problem or not but theoretically it is harder for the engine to ignite a higher octane fuel due to its lower 'volatility' (sorry for the term but cant think of a non geek sounding word that means the same thing!).



Edited by oonip

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Well i was under the impression from reading various threads that with higher octane fuel you need to advance the ignition timing to accomodate the fuel but im not too sure so i wanted to double check just incase i do anythin wrong

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Can't say I've ever noticed any cold-starting issues with Tesco 99RON or any other fuel for that matter, although I admit I've not used Tesco's stuff in ages.


Are you sure it's a fuel based issue (ie does it go away when you switch back to another brand) and not a fault with your car?


You don't *need* to advance the timing to use SUL, but you won't gain any advantage from it without doing so (assuming of course that the ignition timing is currently setup for standard unleaded, which on a standard 1.9 GTi it shouldn't be as you lose noticeable power/response from doing so)

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Can't say I've ever noticed any cold-starting issues with Tesco 99RON or any other fuel for that matter, although I admit I've not used Tesco's stuff in ages.


Are you sure it's a fuel based issue (ie does it go away when you switch back to another brand) and not a fault with your car?


You don't *need* to advance the timing to use SUL, but you won't gain any advantage from it without doing so (assuming of course that the ignition timing is currently setup for standard unleaded, which on a standard 1.9 GTi it shouldn't be as you lose noticeable power/response from doing so)


I'm sure I read somewhere that they were originally set up for high octane (old 4*) and were prone to pinking with lower octane stuff. HAving said that, I've been running mine on low octane and it seems O.K. but I never put the engine under much load (dragging a heavy load up hills etc)

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Sorry, perhaps I wasn't entirely clear.


As standard, 1.9 (non-CAT) GTi's are indeed setup for 97RON (SUL).


Some people retard the ignition to run on 95RON (UL) but this was never officially supported by Peugeot, and in my experience (and in my suspicions why it was never approved) it makes the engine feel distinctly less eager.


If the engine has been retarded to run on normal unleaded, it would still run fine on SUL, but you would gain no advantage from running the higher octane fuel until the ignition timing was advanced again to suit. It would not make it difficult to start etc.

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ok its just strange it only happened once i changed fuel im going to try 95 ron this weekend see if it starts ok from cold. just out of interest what happens if the ignition timing is set up for high octane but was running 95ron fuel?



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just out of interest what happens if the ignition timing is set up for high octane but was running 95ron fuel?

You'll get pinking (metallic rattling/ticking sound) under load - usually in my experience it's first noticeable between 2000 and 3000 rpm at full throttle.

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ok im starting to think that its my SAD its not long been put on but im starting to think ive sucked some sh*t through from my petrol tank. does this sound likely? as when i was using the last of my 95ron i ran the tank quite low could my SAD be clogged up and how the hell do i get to it?


thanks again lads

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Petrol doesn't run through the SAD - the "A" stands for air, which should give you a clue as to what does go through it.


The fuel filter is what would get clogged if you sucked up enough rubbish from the bottom of the tank, or possibly the strainer on the bottom of the pump

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haha yer good point it does get clogged up with something though or am i wrong?

well i put in some shell v power and seems to start on 2nd turn of the key which it used to do when i first had it but i replaced the sad and it fired up straight away, which is why i was thinking it could be a problem with it.

im taking it on a good run tomorrow to old trafford :wub:

i put a full tank of that tesco stuff in so its taken ages to get rid of and obviously there probably still some in there as i needed it to get to the shell garage, and ive also put redex in.

ill report back when i get home, hopefully in a good mood

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late reply as i have been busy the last week i took the car the manchester and back and when i got back i noticed that my main oil filler pip had a kink in it and i could not even top up my oil so i bought a new silicone one and seems to run and start better (apart from white smoke)i think im goin to tryreplacing the ignition amp and module.


also i found a small pipe connected to the underneath of the throttle body but the other end is not plugged anywhere can someone tell me where its ment to go please

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If it's a small vacuum pipe (similar thickness to the washer bottle to washer jet pipe for example) then it's the vacuum advance pipe that connects to the vacuum advance capsule on the distributor. If that's unplugged then you'll have a slight airleak, and no part-throttle ignition advance (assuming your vacuum advance still works, which many do not these days)

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yer its that size is it easy to put back on? go knows how it came off never noticed before so it wont do any harm being disconnected as im not sure how long its been like that

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Once you work out where the two ends connect to its easy enough, it's just that it's somewhat unsighted so you're feeling around to find it.

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