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Ground Points By Headlights.

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I'm in the process of changing my alternator, and just found the new one fouls with the cables connected to the ground connection on the body next to the headlight. Currently I've got a DIY ground connection involving a bunch of fancy connectors, but it's a bit bulky and not that great (still better than the original Pug item). Trouble is there's about 6-8 cables to connect together here, so it's not totally trivial making a ground point. What do you lot use these days to connect the ground wires to these points? I thinking of just using some ring terminals on a stud, but there might be too many wires for that.

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I've done mine using ring terminals like you suggest (along with a few others on here) & it's fine.


I'd be more concerned why the new alternator catches the earth block if the old one didn't, is it the right one?



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I've done mine using ring terminals like you suggest (along with a few others on here) & it's fine.


I'd be more concerned why the new alternator catches the earth block if the old one didn't, is it the right one?




I think the rotor vanes are a couple of mm larger on this one which is enough to catch the cables. It always was very close.

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You sure you've got the right alternator belt? My alt is miles away from the earth block. :wacko:

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Tom Fenton

I used a fixed 6 way blade terminal, available from vehicle wiring products. Bolt this direct to a clean earth on the headlight panel, you can then move it wherever you like out of the way of your alternator.

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405 alternators have larger vanes than 205 units, have seen this happen before, luckily only caught the plastic boot covering the terminal block and plugs.

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My old ground connector did stick out a long way, hence the fouling. I've now gone for the ring terminals on a bolt approach and it's well out of the way now.

As for the alternator I'll start a fresh thread on that....

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