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Hi all,


Having built my new race spec XU9J4/RS hybrid engine and struggling to get it to start, the question came up on what crank pulley were

we using, is there a difference between the 19mi crank pulley and a gti6 one, if the teeth count is different this could be the cause of our

cam timing problems


thanks in advance



ps yes i did do a search, and i had not got a spare couple of hours to go through camerons 55 page encylopedia of building this type of engine

(as good as it is)

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on my old xu9j4RS i ran the 1900 mi16 crank pulley using a Xu7 belt kit.

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i have used an mi pulley too, but i think we used a gti6 cam belt? with catcams vernier pulleys

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tooth count is the same, but I think there is a difference in the woodruff key position between them, only half a tooth though IIRC.

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Yes the XU9J4 and XU10J4 use the same drive wheel, the XU10J4RS (No idea on the R) is 1/2 tooth out with them, what length belt did you use as there is both 136 and 137 on the RS engine

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we have counted the bottom pulley at 21 teeth, the cam pulleys each have 42 teeth, a ratio of 2:1 which is right isnt it. i cant remember the tooth number on the belt

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