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Atari Boy

What Is The Cost Of Getting An Immobiliser Fitted

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Atari Boy

Anthony's project thread reminded me that I need to get an immobiliser fitted to my 205.

What is the going rate to do this and are Toad still one of the better manufactures?


Comments and advice welcome.


Many thanks

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this to get your insurance down or prevent it from being stolen?


if it's the latter, you would probably be more effective by removing something important, like a main fuse or disconnecting the distributor feed.


no thief is gonna bother popping the bonnet and trying to diagnose a problem, unless they have specifically targeted your car.


they could use a low loader, but then an immobiliser wouldn't help there either.

Edited by gowmonster

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Atari Boy

Needed for both unfortunately.

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Tom Fenton

I've had Laserline, Toad, and Cobra in the past, never had any trouble with any of them.


If you are any good at wiring I would be more tempted to fit it yourself, and then get it certificated by an accredited installer.


Otherwise if you do have a place come out to install one, watch the fitter like a hawk, sometimes they do such a s*ite job that it is worthless having an immobiliser as it is so obvious how to bypass it. I had such a thing years ago when I had one fitted to my old 405 Mi16, it was a crap AutoSafe or something, failed about 4 months later leaving me in the centre of Sheffield. It was that badly installed that I was able to bypass it in 10 min without any tools.

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Atari Boy

Good suggestion Tom, I like your idea.

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Last one I had fitted about 4 or 5 years ago was £130 IIRC. That was one of those touch key ones.

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Thinking about instaling an alarm to mine when its finished, does anyone know what they check for when inspecting alarm fitment? Positioning? neatness? quality of termination?





PS sorry for the hijack!!

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Just that it works!


I have a Lazerline on my 205, barring one of the fobs not working even with a new battery, the system itself has been fine, I did pay a bit much for it but I needed a Cat 1 for insurance purposes asap and I wasn't too hot with vehicle wiring at the time, learnt a lot since!



Had a Toad on my old 306, but the 405 just has the standard factory fitted unit which still works just fine.

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As Tom's said, Installation is the key, 99% of 205's I get the Alarm etc fitted can be started in no more than 2 mins without cutting or splicing anything.

Check that they install into the right circuits and not the ignition wires as the simple maths here that a wire of 1mm cannot take the current of a 6mm wire, All to do with resistance and a big cause of the clicky syndrome

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i paid a couple of hundred early last year i think for alarm,immobiliser and remote central locking and he done a really good job never had a problem with it was a company in stafford i can find out if you want me to

Edited by 4ll5op

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maybe you should ask

what is the cost if i dont get a immobiliser fitted?

with new cars having alarms/immobilisers/chiped keys/deadlocks etc older cars are a easer target for the scumbags.

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