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For People Who Have Done A Be4 Conversion

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tony perks

awesome cheers :)



What was the part number of the driveshaft bracket in the end?

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I used 1807.H8 when I did my BE4 conversion a couple of years ago - Worked fine!


Pics of all the parts I used are here:


BE4 Conversion parts

Edited by RossD

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oops just realised the part number for the clutch fork a few posts above was wrong, I meant 2117.58


anyway, I've got the new mount/bearing carrier swapped over, with only one scuffed knuckle :D I used the xs fork as they looked about the same length, and it'll be easy to swap over if needs be.


I still have a few questions


in the xs gearbox, the bit where the speedo cable plugs in has a little cog which i assume spins the cable and then the speedo, now the new gearbox has the same hole, but doesnt seem to have a cog like the other one. Do i need to swap the one from the other box? if so how would I go about doing it?

or alternatively is there another option speedo wise? I'm sure cars with these boxes have digi speedo's?


can anybody inform me why the gear pivot needs to be moved? I cant see any reason that couldnt be overcome much easier with custom gear rods?


and lastly, what gearbox oil would I need?



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Use the normal 75W80 Total BV oil in the box.


For getting the speedo to work, you have to play around with different sized 'cogs' in the speedo drive. I found with using the standard drive in the BE4 along with the cog on the end of the cable that was original to the car, the speedo over-read massively. I managed to sort this by getting a 19 tooth cog from a 205 Auto (Search ServiceBox, it tells you which cars have which sized drives) and this bought the speedo back down to about 3 - 5 mph over-reading, i.e normal!!



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How did you get on with your BE conversion in the end buddy?

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ended up with a cash flow situation and had to sell the lot! story of my life lol

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Anyone got the part number for the BE1 selector lever that attaches to the top?

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Dredging up an ooold thread here, but jesus christ, parts from the dealer have gone up since I last bought this set-up!


2117.58 clutch fork used to be £25.27 now £30.11 +vat!
2041a7 release bearing was £6.62 they wanted something like £27+vat for that, so I didnt bother
212050 ball joint was £2.17 I didnt need this as the box already has it
215190 cable bracket was £4.54 now £10.20+vat!


So just the cable bracket and clutch fork with vat came to £48.37!! Pretty sure thats more for just those two than it was for all four back in 2011


In hindsight I should've just made my own bracket and modified the clutch fork.


Oh well, at least I'm a step closer to getting round to this mod that I've been intending to do for literally years!

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Parts prices from Peugeot have gone up massively in the last few years I've found, often with little rhyme nor reason.

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There seems to be a price spike just prior to going NFP sometimes.

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ali oman

Hello all I need a base model 205 chassis number so I can order driveshaft and hubs for my 205 gti that have a 106 got engine. Because they told me that it will fix perfectly.


Thank you very much

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chassis number will not help, the 205 is too old for it to make any difference on servicebox.


you wont want base model shafts if you have converted to be4

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