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Fuel Pump Relay

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OK still trying to get my 205 to start, now I think there's no fuel getting to the engine. So popped the fuel pipe off turned it over and I subsequently confirmed this.


So I have a 1.9, on carbs that was running good before October last year, I removed the distributor and replaced with a H&H item, and since then no start. I wired the distributor straight to the battery to see if it'd fire, it did and ran so the distributor is good. So I then found the switched live wired it up properly and it ran briefly but then ran out of fuel (the carb bodies were obviously full of fuel and then that ran out)


So my questions are, where is the relay on a phase 1 205 gti, as I'm sure its this? Does the power supply to the relay come from the wiring that would be around the old coil under the bonnet? Apart from this I'm stuck and may have to get someone out to sort it out for me, but I'd like to fix this myself if I can.


Many thanks

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on the last 87 car I worked on it was in front of the battery tray, but this was a late phase 1, whereas the previous 87 car I had worked on was a Phase 1.5 and had the relay next to the ecu.

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cheers WP, I'm back up at the car later today so I'll look in both locations. There's two green relays by the header tank, but I have a feeling either of them isn't the one (from memory that is!)

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indeed not, iirc one is spot lamps and the other horn if its a 1.9.

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