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Crank Timing Pin On A Car With Air Con?

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Just got my head back following a skim and am ready to put everything back together.


Problem is, I cant see how to lock the crank in the correct position. My car has air con so the crank wheel is twice as thick and has two belt drives (one regular for the alternator and pas and a V profile for the air con pump)


This would all be fine, but this pulley is solid so I cant use a timing pin to lock the bottom end in the correct place for re fitting the head. There is no hole in it at all!!



Anyone have any idea how this is done on a car with the air con crank pulley?






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take the outer pulley off!


doesn't sound like a factory system, they all ran a ribbed belt afaik.

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I cant, the pulley is in one part and there are no holes looking at it from either side!



Maybe its not standard as I cant find any pics of this type of wheel. That said, I think air con on a standard 205 was very rare.



Any ideas how to time it ip safely without using the timing pin at the bottom?

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get a standard pulley to time it up with.


most timing belts have two lines across them that you line up with two marks, one on the cam pulley, can't remember where the other one is, might be on the crank pulley.



if its all in one piece, lock the cam pulley, remove the crank axillary pulley, mark the crank next to an appropriate casting or bolt.

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Cheers Welshpug.


Its been in bits for a while now so no reference to the original positions:) There is a mark on the cam pulley and I have got the timing pin hole there so no probs.


I Just have no way to set the bottom in the right place with the crank pulley that I have.



Any idea roughly where the pistons are when the bottom pulley is locked? Im guessing they are all even/ half way up to keep them away from the valves but not sure.

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The pistons all need to be half mast inteh bores, you should fine the belt mark will line up with a marker on the lower pulley too, But as said OE A/C had the holes in for the timing marks, Got one here so now for sure

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Sounds like I do have an aftermarket aircon system.


I did notice that my air con switch is to the right of the steering wheel, mounted in the blank section below the air vent. I have two buttons, one for on/off and another for recirculation. I think the usual place for the switch is near the hazards/ foglight on the center console.


Not planning to use the aircon so will most probably put all the parts up in the for sale section when I get a moment as everything is there!


I set the bottom end up manually with all pistons at exactly half mast today. Then, with the timing pin in the cam pulley, I fitted the head, cambelt and there is no contact with valves and pistons after a full rotation. That said, I still have no idea if the timing is actually correct.......


Has anyone got a standard crank pulley so I can get my timing sorted properly!!!


Also noticed that my freshly rebuilt head has exhaust valve clearances of less than 1 thou so back to the shop with that too! I have a feeling this project is going to take a while!)



And to think, this car was already pretty tidy until I ripped it apart! here is the original ad when I bought it back in October. It now looks much much worse but I will get there. Plan is to make it perfect.





Anyone here know this car?



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Std fit A/C is like the pic here


Never seen the car but please change those Driving lights, they are c**p


Edited by Miles

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