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Clutch Seems Very On/off?

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I've noticed since fitting a VTS gearbox in my GTI-6 engined 205 the clutch resonse has become very on/off? When pulling off the car creeps forward very slowly then jerks and goes! It's almost how i imagine a paddle clutch to be? Also without the engine running you can hear the pedal/cable squeaking, could this cause the jerky clutch response? Or could the release bearing be on the way out? Im going to lube all the joints on the pedal box tomorrow, but is it possible to lube the cable? (or is it best just replacing it)


Thanks in advance ;)

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A new clutch cable is cheap enough that if it's a few years old or in any way suspect then just replace it.


Clutches always squeak/creak a little, so I wouldn't necessarily point the finger of blame at it based on that symptom.

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I would try the cable. All of the clutch parts ( release bearing fork and bearings ) on the gearbox were brand new 18 months ago ;)


Edit: Make sure the cable has not been touchin the exhaust manifold or something and melted causing stuffness.

Edited by marksorrento205

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Sometimes the adjustment can make all the difference (ie tighten it a bit).

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my mi16 was doing this, is it crunching when going for reverse and trying for a any gear ? i just adjusted the clutch cable on mine and now its fine.

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Sometimes the adjustment can make all the difference (ie tighten it a bit).


I adjusted mine level with the brake pedal but today while rallying i had a wee bit of trouble with some gears when really going for it and i've noticed a bit of play at the arm should i adjust further.? :(

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