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Another Non Starter

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About 2 months ago i replaced my 205 1.9 gti with another daily driver after turning up for work late every other day was getting a bit much. Cars know when a replacement turns up and like clock work the problems start. Went out to the car and the battery was completely flat, im thinking due to the fuel pump running on after ive left the car (did this before, but i noticed and pulled the relay off). Charged the battery and still refuses to fire at all, even though quite happy to spin over as before. Upon looking at the tachymetric relay thing, it appears to have had a piece of wire soldered between two of the terminals. When I bought the car the bloke did say something about a starting electrical problem, so im assuming that this was the bodge. I'm hoping that a replacement relay will cure the problem as I cant hear the fuel pump prime or running as before, just the starter click. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Also ive been having some trouble trying to get a replacement, rang around a few places and breakers and the only thing ive come up with is gsf do such an item and all the pin codes are the same apart from the pin marked 1 on my cartier item is marked 'td' on theirs? dont know if this would be a problem but dont want to make matters worse and fry something. Is there a way of bypassing the relay to ascertain that this is the problem, or are there other systems that would fail, I understand its somehow linked to the ignition?

Any help really appreciated

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Is there a way of bypassing the relay to ascertain that this is the problem, or are there other systems that would fail, I understand its somehow linked to the ignition?

Just join the three thick wires on the relay connector (brown and x2 white from memory) with a couple of wire links. That will provide a constant feed to the injectors and fuel pump whether the ignition is on or off, and if it's a relay issue, the car will start.

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right been faffing around with the multi meter, the relay is caput for sure. Checked the voltage on the pump (larger of the two cutouts under the rear seat) and is present when I bridge the brown to the the two white wires yet still no pump running? I wondered if the pump running when the relay stuck and ran on when I left the car before might have knackered this as well. Put a meter across the two pins and came back reading 20.3 k ohms, anyone think this sounds a bit suspect?

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It's called a tachimetric relay because it only closes when it senses that the engine is turning. I don;t know how you could check it with a multimeter.


Feed 12V to the pump, ground the other to the chassis of the car and see if it runs and go from there.

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