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Water In Passanger Side Footwell

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Ive gone to do a bit of work on my '89 1.6 and noticed there is ALOT of water on the passanger side floor in the front? Ive only had the running for about 10/15 mins max and that was about 2/3 weeks ago.


Any idea's??

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Again leaky sunroof or hole in the foot well, I had a hole in the corner where every time it rained or I cleaned the car water would get in. I was a bit lazy in fixing it so found that parking with the front facing down hill stopped it! hahaha :( I have repaired it now though.

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Its a non-sunroof, cant see any holes or gaps anywhere??

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Ive gone to do a bit of work on my '89 1.6 and noticed there is ALOT of water on the passanger side floor in the front? Ive only had the running for about 10/15 mins max and that was about 2/3 weeks ago.


Any idea's??


I've an idea - do a search. Would you seriously have us believe that after 4+ years of being a member here that you've never seen THE MOST COMON TOPIC covered before?


Yes I'm being blunt about it. No I don't care if anyone thinks I being a cock, or that it's OK cos the forum's been a bit quiet lately and any old drivel is welcome for the sake of a bit of forum traffic. You'd have an excuse if you were a newbie. But this leaky 205 business is getting like BBC3 Family Guy repeats. HOw many times does it need to be discussed? Should we have a seperate forum just for this topic?



And breathe.....

Edited by GLPoomobile

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So GLP where do you thing the leak's coming from? ;)

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The tears of an orphaned baby rabbit.


Obviously ;)

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Probably the drainage holes in the sill. I had that problem on my car. Unblocked the holes and voilà, no water!

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Wonder how many new threads would there be if no one posted and only ever "searched"


Maybe I should have said, the door rubbers are fine, the car has not got a sunroof, the windscreen has been removed and re fitted because we thought that might be the issue.


I started a thread because none of the issues in any of the searches I done helped and I thought someone may have found another cause of water getting in that wasn't mentioned in any of the other threads.


Next time I wont bother asking for help or info about my 205 Gti on a 205 Gti forum???

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Probably the drainage holes in the sill. I had that problem on my car. Unblocked the holes and voilà, no water!


If it is this you will have a sloshing noise when moving the car.


What I have had in the past is the heater fan inlet leaking.

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If it is this you will have a sloshing noise when moving the car.


What I have had in the past is the heater fan inlet leaking.



Didn't know about the heater fan, I'll have a look later today



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