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205 Gti Electric Windows Standard In All Models?

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Hi guys, i am looking at buying my next 205 gti. It appears phase 2 and is registered 1992 but has manual windows. were electrics not standard in all 1992's?


Any help greatly appreciated.


Thanks guys

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nope not standard, is it a 1.6 or a 1.9?


from what I have seen 1.6's tend to be manual and 1.9's electric, but that's not a 100% rule as such, as they could be specified with either I believe, plus they are quite old now so rarely will they be totally original.

Edited by welshpug

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AFAIK all 1.9 GTi's had electric windows as standard.


They were always optional on 1.6's, except on the Miami/Sorrento limited edition models around 1990/1991


As has been said though, these cars are generally 20+ years old now and many have been messed around with.

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AFAIK all 1.9 GTi's had electric windows as standard.


They were always optional on 1.6's, except on the Miami/Sorrento limited edition models around 1990/1991


As has been said though, these cars are generally 20+ years old now and many have been messed around with.


Thanks guys this explains it, its a 1.6 with 1900 engine. Thanks again

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Thanks guys this explains it, its a 1.6 with 1900 engine. Thanks again

The engine's been swapped after it was sold but as said, many 1.6 GTI's came with electric windows option ticked.


Central locking was standard on the 1.6 from around 1990 afaik (but always fitted to the 1.9 along with the elcetric windows from introduction).



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I thought electric windows and central locking came together as one option. It was only an option on the 1.6 IIRC. 1.9's always had both as standard.

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I thought electric windows and central locking came together as one option. It was only an option on the 1.6 IIRC. 1.9's always had both as standard.


Don't know 100%.


I agree, the 1.9 always came with both & I've never seen a 1.6 with electric windows & not central locking, always other way round.


My ex gf has a h reg phase 2 with central locking but no electric windows.


I'm pretty sure c/l (& sliding sunroof) became standard fit later on the 1.6 which would tie up with her car but windows were always an extra option imo, just like late non-sunroof cars had to be requested specially.


Wiring for the windows is in the doors but still has manual winders.



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Henry Yorke
Central locking was standard on the 1.6 from around 1990 afaik (but always fitted to the 1.9 along with the electric windows from introduction).

My white 1992 J plate 1.6 didn't have CL or EW. It had the disconnectable door looms too.

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My white 1992 J plate 1.6 didn't have CL or EW. It had the disconnectable door looms


Did it have the loom inside the doors for them both?


I'm pretty sure my white 1991 J plate 1.6 has c/l but not e/w, maybe your old one had developed a c/l fault & someone removed it?



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