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Gti-6 Overheating? :(

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To add to the list of issues im having with the 205 at the moment, i noticed tonight while sat idling after my drive home from work, after 2-3 minutes the temp gauge slowly starts to rise and continues rising even though the fan is cutting in?? I can only assume it's been like this since i removed the standard oil/heat exchanger setup over Christmas (while i changed the flywheel/gearbox) and re-filled the coolant. I change rads and re-fill coolant every day in my job (accident repair) so its not like i've never done it before, but could it have an airlock? Or is the thermostat on the way out? Fan switch maybe? Also the fan doesnt seem to be as fast/loud as it was before i removed the heat exchanger/flushed the coolant??


Anyone got any ideas?

Edited by fatony1

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Dont forget that if you are using a standard 205 header tank/bottle and cap that they are rated to a lower pressure, the GTI6 one as standard runs a higher pressure in the water tank afaik.


when it overheats, try putting the fans on in the car, on full blast warm and see if it drops the temp.


only had to do this every 30 seconds through europe in a poorly cooled V6 205 to find out the actual temp was alot lower than we thought! bastard thing!

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Also the fan doesnt seem to be as fast/loud as it was before i removed the heat exchanger/flushed the coolant??

Sounds to me that the fan is only running on slow speed, and not switching to full speed when it should. Like this, the engine will overheat in traffic/stationary.


Faulty fan switch is the likely culprit - you can test by unplugging it and shorting two of the three pins together - one pair will be slow-speed, and one pair will be high speed (middle pin is common IIRC). If shorting it works, then swap the fan switch out for a new one.

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I remember the temp on my Gti-6 used to climb if I was sat in traffic, it would go up to about three quarters and stop there. I looked on the Gti-6 forum and they all ran like that it was how pug designed them. However some of the guys on the 6 forum didn't like it so they would change the temp switch to another pug item that would cut the fan in earlier....


Not sure if this helps or not.

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The temp in mine reaches just past 3/4's if sat in traffic with the heater blowing and stays there but if I turn the heater off it will continue to climb. My cooling fan is on a switch so I only use it when the heater isn't on.

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