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8v Turbo Plumbing Questions

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Having a few issues pumbing my engine in I have put it in my 306 and made the mistake of buying an engine instead of a full car.


First question is where does the pipe off the dump valve run to?


2nd, where is the vacuum for the brake servo picked up from?


3rd, actuator pipe? Where does that run to?



There the important ones but also wanting to check a few others on the oil filler the 2pipes that don't run to the block would I be correct in thinking they are the breather pipes and is where I would plumb in a catch tank,


And has anyone ever fitted a manual boost control valve to one of these engines and know how to plumb one of these in alongside a boost gauge?


And last of all does anyone have a wiring diagram for the ignition barrel as I also plan to fit a turbo timer?


Many thanks in advance



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i plumbed mine off the right pipe on the tb for the brake servo


maybe this is some help for acctuator pipe



on the oil filler neck the hole at the front is a breather on mine but cant remember about the other one.

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