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1.1 Tu To Xs

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Hey, I'm getting a xs engine some time next month. It is the complete engine with box inlet and outlet manifolds and the carb. Comes with gear linkages and some other little bits.

What else will need changing on it or will I be able to use alot of stuff from my 1.1? Like the radiator and cooling hoses. Will the fuel pump need upgrading to a Xs or will it be fine?

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the fuel pump is that little thing with direction arrows on top of the block so you should be sorted with that :lol:, everything else should be good

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If it helps you won't need the linkages of the exhaust manifold as they are interchangable.


How old is your 1.1? is it injection?

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If it helps you won't need the linkages of the exhaust manifold as they are interchangable.


How old is your 1.1? is it injection?


89' on carb :lol:

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it willl be a nice and easy swap then :lol:

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To save making another topic.


I'm thinking of the same conversion myself I know its pretty stright forward.


One thing thats bothering me is can I keep my 1.1 driveshafts? or don't they fit in the xs box only reason I ask is simply because the drive shafts I have are less than 5000 miles old so it'd be a pain trying to sell them.

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driveshafts should be fine... They both use MA boxes, and the same hubs. (1.1 and XS)

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yh drive shafts are the same and the fuel pump is a machanicle pump off the head will defenetly come with the engine but if i was you i would do the cam belt pullys water pump seeing as its out and so much easer but easy to do in the car

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Sorry to bump the topic again!!


I'm getting close to doing the conversion i'm on a look out for an engine now just to up my chances what did the tu3s come in am I right in thinking it was the xs,gt,roland garros and citroen ax gt??

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yeh, you've listed all the options there. I have a spare TU3s engine, unknown milage, unknown condition, bought it as i wanted the gearbox attached to it. PM me if your interested.

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106 xsi engine has to be worth considering, Tu3J2 I think it is, 100 bhp.

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then theres all the effort of wiring looms, and fuel tanks... and if yoru going to goto that effort, why not go Mi16?

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"effort" lol!

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well yeh... alot more involved than just sticking a TU3s lump in.

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I had a 1ltr 205 and fitted an ax gt engine that was cammed, lowered it put on 106 gti brakes, a s/s exhaust and manifold thing was a right sleeper made a fool of a heap of cars. :D

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