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306 Handbrake Problem

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the wife has been complaining about the lack of hold with the handbrake on our 306 1.8 meridian

i've been out and tightened the nut at the base of the handle but it doesnt seem to have changed anything

the disks and pads still have life in them, could it be the cables have stretched and i just havent tightened them up enough :rolleyes:

any ideas what else it could be?

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Judging by your "it suddenly went very slack" comment in your other thread, are you sure that one of the handbrake cables hasn't snapped? When that happens, you'll get loads of travel on the handbrake lever and the handbrake efficiency will be very poor


Generally speaking, you shouldn't normally need to adjust the handbrake in service, and certainly not be a significant amount. The fact that you're implying that you've had to suggests that something is amiss.

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The cables are both fine Anthony

She says its been gradually getting worse for weeks now, which probably means months :rolleyes:

I'm gonna put new disks and pads on as they need doing the next service

The disks have got a bit of a lip on them and there is about 7mm on each pad

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Has someone been driving round with the handbrake on :rolleyes:

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7mm on each pad sounds brand new!!!



does it have a load compensator on the right hand side of the beam?


if so make sure this is not seized, slacken handbrake cables, wind pistons back till wheels turn freely, drop to floor and stomp on pedal HARD repeatedly.


go for short drive, adjust handbrake to 6 clicks ISH.


make sure wheels don't bind.

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only just getting chance to have a proper look at this today

now we have another car i can afford to have this off the road for a few days


WP do you have a part number for the load compensator? i take it that once seized they are pooped?

do you know if they sell them at gsf or the like?

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Tom Fenton

Have a look at it first, sometimes you can free them off.

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cant see any kind of hand brake compensator!

from what ive read they involve a spring, but cant see one on the car

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if its the same as the one in the picture of the beam on this thread clicky then mine doesnt have one


mine is a 2001 phase 3 if it makes any difference

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if its the same as the one in the picture of the beam on this thread clicky then mine doesnt have one


mine is a 2001 phase 3 if it makes any difference



Assuming the cables are ok then I would say the arm on caliper is probably seized failing that caliper is u/s internally.


Can you see if the arm moves when applying handbrake?

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My ZX had a similar problem, and I don't have those load compensators either. It turns out both my rear calipers had slightly siezing sliders, resulting in the pads becoming very heavily glazed as they weren't releasing fully. I've ended up replacing both rear calipers, both handbrake cables, discs and pads, I know it's not really fixing the problem, it's just replacing everything it could be, just make sure both the pistons and the all the sliders are moving freely. Although from the sounds of it mine were considerably worse than yours as the inside pad on both sides of the zx were considerably more worn than the outside pads.

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Both slide fine but the hand brake still doesn't work!

Out new disks and pads on greased what I can up, looks like new calipers are needed

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Late phase 3's have EBD and all the brake pressure control is entirely from the ABS module rather than having a load compensator ont he rear beam.


sounds like a pair of calipers is needed or a strip and rebuild, I'd opt for the strip personally as its quite straightforward, often you wont need to replace anything, just clean and lube.


ZX's all had inline compensators/pressure restrictors like the 1.9 205 and 309 (non 16v's used the same compensator as the 309 gti) apart from the RS engined variant which had a load compensator.

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