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Carl Chambers


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Carl Chambers

got some adjustable rally rose jointed lower wishbones coming and was wondering about driveshafts?


how much longer are 309 wishbones to 205 ones?


how much longer are 309 driveshafts to 205 ones?


and will 306 GTI-6 ones fit/how much longer than 309 ones are they?


not having any 309 parts here I cant go and messure any, I have plenty of 306 shafts here which would be good if I could use them but fear they maybe too long?


did do a quick search but didnt find much but didnt look hard to be honest, Im sure someone has all the messurements.


would be good to use the 306 ones as would save me having to buy 309 ones!

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All Praise The GTI

hello mate. 309gti ones are 10mm longer afaik. i run them on mine :lol: and at a guess gti6 ones are a fair bit longer

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Carl Chambers
hello mate. 309gti ones are 10mm longer afaik. i run them on mine :lol: and at a guess gti6 ones are a fair bit longer


10mm is that all?


the 306 ones look longer than that?


dam, was hoping to save a bit of money?


any one know how much longer the 309 wishbones are? is that around 10mm aswell?

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yup, 10mm each side for 309 items (shafts and wishbones), 405/306 shafts are 35-45mm longer each side.

Edited by welshpug

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Carl Chambers
yup, 10mm each side for 309 items (shafts and wishbones), 405/306 shafts are 35-45mm longer each side.


bugger, that would be a tad to much neg camber if i adjusted the wishbones to make them fit then!


guess I will have to get some 309 wishbones then, more money! lol

Edited by GKZ 206

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