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No Main Beams - Bad Earth?

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Got a bit of a problem with the lighting at the mo and was wondering if anybody could point me in the right direction.


Sidelights work fine when I twist the stalk one notch, but if I go onto dipped mains then the headlights don't come on, the full beam light comes on at the dash (the blue one), and my driving lights do come on as well.


I've tried cleaning up all the earths next to the nearside headlight but it still doesn't work.


Any Ideas?



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All Praise The GTI

theres an earth the other side too. i had this problem and was stumbled briefly until welshpug came along and wriggled it and hey presto! :lol::)

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Ta, will take a look tomorrow :)

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Ah, just went to have a look at the offside earth and while fiddling about I spotted that the headlight connector had melted: B)




Replaced the bulb and hey presto, the headlights are (nearly working) again.


The other side had the same problem but I only keep one bulb spare.


Any idea where you can get new connectors?


I guess something like this should do:?



Edited by miamistu

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VWP, Polevolt, SimetekUK amongst a few, IIRC most motorfactors will have them too.

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Cheers welshpug. VWP have what I need B)

Edited by miamistu

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IIRC most motorfactors will have them too.

Agreed, a mate got on for his g/f's Micra a few weeks ago from our local motor factors.



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I'd be questioning what caused both connectors to melt...

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I'd be questioning what caused both connectors to melt...

Uprated higher wattage/power bulbs?


Although they usually melt the wiring first.



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I think the melting was down to me turning on the main beams with the earthing plugs by the ns headlight disconnected. I did notice a slight smell when I was trying to see what was working but didn't think anything of it at the time.


Edit: I'm using bog standard 472 bulbs.

Edited by miamistu

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Exactly the same thing happened to me a couple of days ago, so I cut the plug off and put on some cheapo spade connectors! - Not sutible for a nice car but perfect for my £200 derv that will probably be scrapped when I'm done with it!



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Argh, It's still not working. NS driving light comes on when dipped mains are on.


Is there more than one relay for the lights? I've only found the one on the left hand side of the main fuse board.

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Whoop whoop, replaced the light connectors with new ones and all lights are working, nice and bright. Perfect for the darkest day of the year!

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