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Locating Brown Alternator Charge Wire.

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Sorry for this dumb post but i need to get the car going and im having sod all luck finding it.

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Sorry for this dumb post but i need to get the car going and im having sod all luck finding it.



not too sure what wire you are on about,mine has a thick red cable that comes via starter from battery and a thin blue wire i think that comes from the brown plug on top of gearbox.

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Thanks Smithy, its also know as a exciter - It sits between the red wire and the unused negative terminal. It basically telling the alternator to charge the batter. But I cant find it! Its insane im trying to trace it back to the point of origin and go from there.

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Thanks Smithy, its also know as a exciter - It sits between the red wire and the unused negative terminal. It basically telling the alternator to charge the batter. But I cant find it! Its insane im trying to trace it back to the point of origin and go from there.


On mine alternator excitation wire comes from the brown multiplug,I think original wire is blue (mine has had a mew loom made so cannot tell) it is part of the same loom as oil pressure and temp switches.

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