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1989 Washer Jets Packed Up

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Hey guys. I need a little advice. When I first bought my 205 in March the lad said the washer jets sometimes doesn't work. They have been fine since I bought it but yesturday they just packed up. Anybody know if this is a common problem with a easy fix, eg a loose connection? Or is it anything that needs replacing.......


Cheers guys,


Callum ;)

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does the pump work? you say the washer "jets" so it may be that these are just blocked, they are cheap enough from Peugeot for new ones, they were used on the 306 too.


If its the motor that does not work then start by cleaning the contacts and the earth point close to it (also check the motor itself works by testing it remotely)

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This has happened twice to me on two seperate cars. I think once was a bad connection as they corrode quite bad. If it is that then cut the old connectors out and put some new ones on. Test the motor by wiring direct to a battery. The other time for me was a knackered motor, cheap enough on ebay or scrappy! Rear 205 ones also fit the front so you could try that.



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Three usual issues:


1) Poor connection on the pump wiring connector (wipers will work, but no noise/whirring from pump)

2) Washer jets get blocked up (wipers will work and noise/whirring from pump)

3) Wiper stalk fails (neither wipers nor pump work)


Number 1 is by far the most common in my experience

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frozen up maybe ? as Anthony said if its whirring then the pump is working and most likely not enough fluid or blocked.

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Thanks for your advice guys. The screen wash had turned into a gunk somehow. I quick clean up and flushing it though fixed the problem :)

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