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Non Pug - Fiesta Clutch Creaking When Pulling Away

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Hi all,


As above, I have recently aquired a 1989 Fiesta where there is a creaking noise when pulling away in 1st :D . I think its coming from the clutch when it bites.


Does anyone have an idea about what it might be?





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Tom Fenton

Cheap clutch with a poor replacement for the outlawed asbestos, I wouldn't worry about it as most I have come across will last for as long as a normal clutch will, still making this noise. It is like brake pads squealing, but the clutch doing it whilst taking up.

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Is there anything I can do to stop it? I need to get it sold so something to make it stop would be great!

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Could be the clutch cable or the mechanism. My friend had a fiesta of similar year and it ate clutch cables.

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Tom Fenton

Slip the living daylights out of it so it gets stinking hot and breaks the glaze? Other than that not much.

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Slip the living daylights out of it so it gets stinking hot and breaks the glaze? Other than that not much.



agree with this to clean clutch up a bit common practice when i had my scooby.

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